Apple are expected to be realising their latest toy, the ipad 3, within the next few days. This is an example of the rapid movement of our decades current technology. The luxury of an ipad 2 seemed tremendous enough for teenagers and adults this christmas when they eagerly unwrapped their new gadget…however now the magic and freshness of the product has diminished and all that these people are left with is “the OLD ipad”.

Technology is developing at an unstable rate for the post-recession public. Everyone seems to be left with the “old blackberry” or the “old iphone”. This leaves people feeling out of the loop and out of touch, when really, the majority is in the exact same position.

Technological developments such as the ipad 3 are cutting edge pieces of equipment that have their place in a business related sense. Certain apps can improve business efficiency, for example the GoodReader and Keynote apps that help the user in creating presentations and reading various different file type documents; But when I see every waiter in a recent chinese restaurant that I visited using the “Note Pad” application to write down orders, I feel slightly disappointed. I felt this way because it shows how much media technologies are trying to just improve what we already have. What ever happened to pen and paper? I have seen children with their own ipads, and I think, what ever happened to dolls?

Change and development is part of the media world and if you are not willing to accept change then you will be the guy with the “old” gear. They say there is an app for everything, but what about good old tradition, is their an app for that?